Access and Use
- Licensed electronic resources (eResources) made available by the NLP through the Reference Division (RD) and Filipiniana Division (FD) are databases of online journals, ebooks, audiobooks, and other eResources.
- eResources are for the personal, clinical, research, scholarly, or instructional activities of the authorized users of NLP.
- Most of the NLP’s eResources are governed by license agreements that limit the use of eResources.
- The misuse and violation OR prohibited uses may result in loss of access to these eResources for the entire NLP, including the eResources shared to the selected public libraries affiliated with NLP.
Terms of Use
Downloading insubstantial amounts (NOT entire journals or books) | Systematic or substantial printing, copying, or downloading |
Temporary storing reasonable portions or articles, chapters, and search results, unless otherwise for their own education and research needs. |
Modifying, altering, or creating derivatives (such as own database of materials) |
Sharing reasonable portions with the other of the same interest or information needs | Sharing proprietary or client software connected to information resources |
Using for personal and research needs | Mass reproduction and distribution |
NOT sharing the remote access and password with “on-site” and off-site” users | Sharing passwords, access codes, token accounts, remote access, and giving access to non-NLP registered individuals |
Posting / sharing links to specific content (article or work) | Posting actual content or articles in a publicly accessible websites or public listserves |
Other Important Pronouncement
- Always acknowledge the source on any published or unpublished document when the user data found on eResources or use of small amounts of attributed quotes in own words.
- Sharing with non-NLP users is not permitted: This means peer-to-peer informal sharing for research, teaching, and educational purposes. Separate/another request must be sent to NLP.
- Request for the use of eResources must indicate the specific subject concerns and purpose to easily address the information needs.
- Each user is responsible for ensuring that s/he uses these products solely for noncommercial, educational, scholarly, or research use.
- Institutional access is not provided.
- NLP adheres to the copyright restrictions and exemptions.